This article should be prefaced with a giant ‘BEEP’. Most of you won’t understand that reference, so instead, I’ll just say that all of you kids out there should aspire to be Sexyama when you grow up. If you don’t start when you’re young, you’ll grow up to be a guy locked inside a cubicle for 33% of the day and will never be able to leisurely foil a restaurant robbery.
When your name begins with ‘Sex’, you’re almost guaranteed a blitzkrieg of drunken phone calls on a Friday night. If Sexyama was a Hot Pocket, he would be stuffed with a blend of frozen hotness that can only be fully realized when placed in the microwave for two minutes. Now Sexyama has collaborated with Kangol to release his own line of clothing called the ‘Chu Line’ (which is derived from his Korean last name). His clothing line will release casual apparel that will have a ‘Chu’ logo which will be personally signed by Akiyama. Unlike other promotional collaborations, Sexyama has full creative control and apparently his fashion sense and design skills were praised by the staff who were involved in the project. The line will debut next month so expect a surplus of sexiness to emerge from Korea in just a few days.
Your Sexyama man crush will be honored on MiddleEasy. No need to be ashamed. We even included a picture of him wearing the new line that he created. Props to akajewlez for the find and translation. [Source]