Getting in the ring with someone named ‘The baddest man on the planet’ is voluntary suicide. I guess all suicides would be voluntary, especially when you’re signed to fight Fedor Emelianenko. My life consists of waking up everyday, brushing my teeth and checking out my list of ‘Things to do in order not to get in the ring with Fedor’. The top of the list starts off with always using Zangief whenever I play Street Fighter. So far, that list has proven to be 100% effective (both of my arms are still connected to my body).
The Russian media caught up with Fedor and Jean Claude Van Damme at the M-1 Selections in Moscow and decided to interview an actor that gets paid to fake-hit people on camera instead of interviewing a dude that gets paid to really hit people on camera. Executive decisions like that is the reason why Ivan Drago murdered Apollo Creed in Rocky 4. That’s right Russia, don’t think we forgot. Check out this clip of Fedor and JCVD repping M-1 Global in the audience of M-1 Selections while reporters followed their every move…sort of. [Source]