Ricky Simon Dominates Rani Yahya For A Unanimous Decision Victory!
UFC 234 PPV (pay-per-view) is happening live tonight (Saturday, February 9, 2019) from inside Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Welcome to the Bantamweight fight between a submission expert Rani Yahya and a former LFA 135-pound champion Ricky Simon. Steve Percival is the referee.
Round 1
Both fighters are cautious. Yahya misses a low kick. Great right kick to the body from Rani, and excellent punch exchange on both sides. Low kick Simon, countered by a right hand.
Simon again counters a kick. Both fighters throwing fists now, fantastic exchange. Yahya misses with a right hand. Jab Yahya.
Simon misses left hook but delivers a right uppercut. What a liver punch by Simon! Yahya tried to pull the guard but Simon doesn’t buy it.
Yahya was punching but Simon counters him. Simon doesn’t follow up, he is not buying it.
And again super counter left hook by Simon, Yahya calls him on the ground but Simon is cautious again.
What a great exchange on both sides. Yahya is on the ground again, Simon shows him to get up. Left hook, Simon. Right hook Yahya. What an uppercut by Ricky.
Yahya tries to take the opponent down but Simon defends well. Low kick Yahya. Right front kick from the Brazilian, who misses the takedown attempt. Yahya lands an amazing oblique kick.
Simon takes him down, and now he kicks Yahya to the legs. Yahya defends off his back.
Amazing right high kick Simon! 10-9 Simon.
Round 2
Front kick misses Yahya. Rani misses again, Simon is cautious. Right hook Yahya lands. Simon counters with a big right hand. Rani with a superb oblique kick.
Yahya switches stance. Simon counters Yahya and takes him down, but he doesn’t follow up, he kicks him to the legs. Yahya gets up.
What a right hook miss by Rani Yahya, it was close! Great right straight counter from the Brazilian. Simon blocks right hook and left oblique kick.
Yahya goes for a takedown attempt Simon escapes.
Good exchange off the clinch, excellent punches on both sides. Simon runs around.
Again takedown Ricky Simon but he doesn’t follow up.
Good jab from Yahya. Wow, big right hand from Yahya he runs and tries to hit the opponent, but Simon escapes. Yahya delivered a few big shots.
What a strike by Simon and Yahya is down! Again Yahya defends on his back.
Right high kick Yahya. Great left hand from Simon, now both fighters trading shots. Right hand missed.
Yahya is on his back again, Ricky Simon in the full guard, he eats an up-kick. Simon in the side control lands a big hammer fist. The end of the round, 10-9 Simon.
Round 3
Uppercut miss Simon.
Yahya pulls guard and Simon is on the ground.
Yahya wrapped his hands around the foe’s neck but Simon escapes and gets up. Right hook misses Yahya. Left low kick Yahya. Right hand Yahya. Great right hand from Simon now.
Simon counters Yahya’s right high kick attempt with a big right hand.
Yahya ends up on the ground but Simon keeps standing above him and kicks his legs. Both fighters are up again.
Yahya misses few punches, Simon ducks like a pro. Yahya misses takedown again, Simon counters him, ends up in north-south position. Both fighters are on their feet again.
Rani is against the ropes but he escapes. Left uppercut to the body Simon. Yahya misses 1-2. Jab Simon.
Yahya tries left hook but gets countered and taken down to the ground.
Now Ricky Simon is in the full guard, this is a great chance for Yahya. Elbow Simon. Right hand Simon. Now Simon lands big punches! The end of the round, 10-9 Simon.
Check out the highlights below:
Yahya damages Simon!
BUT Simon brings the heat back! #UFC234 pic.twitter.com/oQTWpNEV4g
— UFC (@ufc) February 10, 2019
Showing a little bit of everything!@RickySimonUFC #UFC234 pic.twitter.com/3VcwVoqtqI
— UFC (@ufc) February 10, 2019
30-25For @RickySimonUFC! #UFC234 pic.twitter.com/q44Rnl1qPz
— UFC (@ufc) February 10, 2019
Final Result: Ricky Simon defeats Rani Yahya via unanimous decision (30-27,30-27,30-25)
Rani Yahya drops to 26-10 MMA, 11-4 UFC, Ricky Simon improves his score to 15-1 MMA, 3-0 UFC.