After the Exxon Valdez disaster happened, Kevin Costner sunk $24,000,000 of his own money into developing a giant ‘vacum cleaner-like device’ that could quickly separate oil from water. Once the BP oil spill went down, Kevin Costner publicly stated that his device (‘Ocean Therapy) can recover most, if not all of the crude oil from the gulf. Kevin Costner also said that his machine is ‘prepared to go out and solve problems, not talk about them’ yet the government fails to listen. Doesn’t Obama realize that Kevin Costner is the only dude that could defeat Deacon on that old Exxon Valdez rig in Waterworld? That has to count for something.
Bauzen met up with Renzo Gracie earlier today to ask him what the government should do to fix the BP oil spill and his solution involves Wallid Ismail. Oh yes, it really does.