Rumble Johnson is so happy he doesn’t have to deal with USADA anymore. Just look at that smiling face. Let this man live, eat and lift heavy things all he wants.
Forgot about submission defense and cutting down to 205 pounds. Rumble Johnson is enjoying his MMA retirement and smiling the entire time about it. On top of Johnson’s new, bigger neck muscles, is that million dollar smile. That joyful smile rests on Rumble’s head.
A head that may or may not have tripled in size since he walked away from the cage. What exercise do you do to increase the size of hats you can wear? Where is the head muscle machine in the gym?
We need answers. We to want to invest in bigger and better hats.
It bares repeating in every single Anthony Johnson post until the end of days that this dude used to make 170 pounds. His first 13 pro MMA fights were in and around 170 pounds. God Bless your kidneys my dude.
Now look at Rumble. Not only has Rumble doubled in size, he may have eaten the soul of his former self.
Time travel technology pending, if 2018 Rumble met the 2009 version of Rumble that weighed in at UFC 104, he wouldn’t believe it was him. We have the pics. We have the video and we still don’t believe these two humans are even slightly related.
Rest in peace welterweight Rumble, you won’t really be missed. Now go drink another protein shake as we marvel at your glorious new head size. Johnson has gone 100% Leader (Samuel Sterns) and there is no looking back.