Pic: McGregor says let’s get some boxing belts with his 4 UFC belts. Wait why does he have 4?

You’ll do nothing! You and your basic grasp of mathematics have nothing for Conor McGregor, Connie Mac Junior and the four UFC title belts he currently owns. Yup, you heard that right somehow Mystic Mac has four UFC championship belts sitting on his couch.

One bullshit short notice Mendes belt plus one legit Aldo soul snatching belt plus one Fuck The World two division belt plus a random mystery belt is how Conor McGregor math works. Did Mac steal a belt from the UFC and never tell anyone at the Vegas office? Did McGregor buy one at UFCShop.com just so he could take Instagram pics with it?

Did the UFC just hand the Mystic one an extra belt in hopes of shutting him up? The clear is answer is that three week old CMac Jr. has already KO’d another infant and has been awarded an official lineal UFC championship belt.

The McGregor skinny genes are a powerful ting.

Important Update: Could it be….

Published on May 18, 2017 at 4:17 pm
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