Time for the main event of the evening! The consensus greatest female fighter to ever set foot Inside of the Octagon looks to defend her featherweight belt against the scrappy underdog Felicia Spencer.
Round 1
Herb Dean is our referee for this title fight. The fighters are ready and here we go! The fighters touch gloves and Nunes starts with a low kick seconds later. Spencer tries to sprint into a takedown but gets stuffed, Nunes follows up with a right hand. Amanda Nunes lands a big counter right hand and Spencer shows some redness on her left eye. Spencer catches Nunes’ leg and attempts a takedown but a nice trip by the champ and Spencer is on her back. Nunes is in side control lands a knee and moves to a north-south position before trying to take the back. Nunes puts Spencer’s back against the fence and lands some nice elbows to the head. Spencer appear to be bleeding from the elbows and Nunes maintains top position. As the round ends, Spencer tries to set up a triangle but eats another elbow in the process.
Round 1: 10-9 Nunes
Round 2
Nunes is the first to land with a nice kick to the body of Spencer. The champ lands a nice counter right hand as Spencer tries to return the kick. Nunes stalks Spencer around the fence but Spencer lands a jab. Nunes lands a low kick and stuff Spencer’s takedown attempt. Nunes lands another big overhand right. Spencer goes for a takedown but Nunes trips her again and lands some elbows on the ground before letting Spencer up. Nunes faints and Spencer freezes. Spinning elbow by Nunes blocked by Spencer, Nunes is controlling the pace of the fight. Spencer lands a high kick but Nunes doesn’t move and lands a left hand.
Round 2: 10-9 Nunes
Round 3
Spencer engages in a clinch and lands a knee. Nunes lands a right hand and another one as Spencer tried to counter. Nunes stuffs yet another takedown attempt from the contender. Quick stop of the fight as Felicia Spencer lost her mouthpiece after a big straight right hand from the champion. The fight continues and Nunes keeps pushing the face. She picks Spencer’s leg up and throws her to the ground before letting her get back up. Nice combination from Nunes as Spencer’s back is against the fence. Hughe uppercut from the champion followed by a front kick. Nice low kick from Nunes and Spencer backs up. Big right hand for the champ as the round ends.
Round 3: 10-9 Nunes
Round 4
Spencer tries to push Nunes back at the beginning of the round. Nunes lands another big right hand and keeps stalking Spencer. Nunes throws Spencer to the ground and lets her opponent get back up yet again. Nice intercepting elbow from Nunes catches Spencer as she tries to break the distance. Big spinning back kick to the body from the champion. Nunes picks up Spencer’s leg and throws her to the ground. Spencer is back up with her back against the fence. Spencer dives for a takedown but gets denied before eating a right hand. Leg kick from Nunes followed up by a on-two that seems to rock Spencer. Another one-two lands and Nunes follows Spencer to the ground and attempts a rear naked choke as the round ends. Spencer appears to have a hematoma on her foreheads.
Round 4: 10-8 Nunes
Round 5
Nunes lands a big right hand to counter Spencer. Nunes stuffs another takedown and lands some ground and pound. Spencer ends up on her back with Nunes in side control. Spencer regains full guard and lands some elbows to the body. Spencer is bleeding from multiple cuts but she throws another elbow. Big elbow from the champion gets up stalks Spencer. Spencer gets back up and look to keep fighting but Herb Dean aske the blood to be removed from her face and seeks medical advice. Great show of toughness from Spencer. Back to back takedowns from Nunes to end the fight, she screams at the buzzer after a well deserved Victory.
Round 5: 10-9 Nunes
Official results: 50-44, 50-44, 50-45 and Nunes retains her title by Unanimous decision.
Check the highlight below:
Cartoon level power! 👊
🏆🏆 @Amanda_Leoa punches the mouthpiece out of Spencer's mouth. #UFC250 pic.twitter.com/k0N4wN56Nw
— UFC (@ufc) June 7, 2020
It is still @Amanda_Leoa's jungle! 🦁 #UFC250 pic.twitter.com/mJRVxLUb8G
— UFC (@ufc) June 7, 2020
Championship heart 💛 #UFC250 pic.twitter.com/l5mG38cwIP
— UFC (@ufc) June 7, 2020
Sharp like a cactus. 🌵 #UFC250 @Amanda_Leoa pic.twitter.com/W61a8cDx2Y
— UFC (@ufc) June 7, 2020
"Let's get together and make this planet a better place." 💛 #UFC250 @Amanda_Leoa pic.twitter.com/1jk5ZbRxmT
— UFC (@ufc) June 7, 2020