Despite Cro Cop announcing that he was finished with MMA and me crying myself to sleep last weekend after UFC 103, reports from Croatia state that Cro Cop is good for at least two more fights UFC. Actually, the source is Mirko (who lives in Croatia so…I guess I was right all along) who told (like we even know what that is):
Although it would be for the best to stay out, I would like to do two more contracted fights with the UFC and then end my career. Simply, fights and training are in my blood, I still haven’t made my final decision, it can happen that I finish everything day after tomorrow, but I would like to in fact still do it. After the Dos Santos defeat I was hot and the statements were not founded. Things are not all that black
I wonder how much Brett Favre paid for that ticket to Croatia to help Cro Cop make that decision. Well now that my hero is back in the game, here’s a video of Cro Cop decapitating opponents with his Left High-Kick (I was that guy screaming it at UFC 103. Yeah, it’s fun to be that guy a few minutes until that guy taps you on the shoulder and wants his title back. Then you’re sort of obligated to stop being a douche and let him do what he does best). [Source]