Up next is a rematch in the strawweight division between two former champions: Rose Namajunas and Jessica Andrade from Yas Island in Abu Dhabi.
Round 1
Namajunas moves around Andrade and lands a kick. Andrade is starting to find her range and she lands multiples leg kicks. Namajunas’ footwork allows her to move in and out of range and land a right hand and a jab. Andrade rushes into a left hook and gets countered by Namajunas. Right straight lands for Namajunas, she lands a knee as Andrade tries to initiate a clinch. Right-hand lands for Namajunas, Andrade shoots for a takedown and eats a knee. Andrade evades a few punches and throws and head kick. End of the round.
10-9 Namajunas
Round 2
Namajunas takes the center of the octagon right away and lands a kick. Andrade follows Namajunas around and throws some heavy punches but Namajunas’s defense is on point. Namajunas lands a jab and eats a combo in the process. Two intercepting right hands land for Namajunas. Andrade gets inside and lands an uppercut but Namajunas replicates. Big body shot lands for Andrade but Namajunas answers with a leg kick. Andrade land some big punches and trips Namajunas but she gets back up. Namajunas picks up the pace and lands a lot of punches by keeping Andrade at the end of her punches. Andrade tries to push the pace and lands a big body shot but misses with the left hook. Andrade lands a left hand as the round ends.
10-9 Namajunas
Round 3
The third and final round starts at the same fast pace as Andrade lands a few punches to the body. Nice uppercut lands for Andrade but Namajunas lands a big overhand right. Namajunas lands two jabs in a row but Namajunas lands yet another uppercut. Nmajunas seems to have a bloody nose. Andrade lands a big right hand and jumps on Namajunas on the ground. Namajunas attempts a triangle and pushes Andrade away before getting back up. A one-two land for Namajunas but Andrade lands a left hook. Andrade is looking for a finish but Namajunas gets a takedown. Andrade gets back up but Namajunas lands a heavy jab followed by an uppercut.
10-9 Andrade
Official results: 29-28 Namajunas, 29-28 Andrade, 29-28 Namajunas, Rose Namajunas wins by split decision. She gets her revenge in the rematch.
Check the highlights below:
Flowing through RD 2! ✌️
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— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020
What a fight! 👏
🌹 @RoseNamajunas takes it by SD. #UFC251 pic.twitter.com/NLWLZoqI7s
— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020
The rematch delivered AND MORE. #UFC251 | #InAbuDhabi | @VisitAbuDhabi pic.twitter.com/y1L4uwDJAS
— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020
Rose Namajunas will auction off her #UFC251 fight kit for makeup artist Suzy Friton, who is battling cancer. pic.twitter.com/LCnskLxTYr
— ESPN MMA (@espnmma) July 12, 2020