The welterweights are up next as Belal Muhammad looks to move up in the ranks against a dangerous counter striker in Lyman Good.
Round 1
Leg kick lands early for Muhammad, Good retaliates with a kick to the body. Muhammad lands a jab and Good keeps the pressure on him. Good keeps Muhammad against the fence and lands some right hands. Muhammad lands a leaping uppercut and moves around the cage. Good pressures Muhammad but he circles out and evades the pressure. Jab lands for Good, he follows it up with a right overhand and a calf kick. Muhammad feints well and lands two punches to the head of his opponent. Muhammad counters Good twice with a lead leg kick. The round ends as both fighters exchange high kicks.
Round 1: 10-9 Belal Muhammad
Round 2
The second fight starts just like the first one, with Lyman Good pressuring Muhammad. Good follows his opponent around but Muhammad lands a few punches while maintaining the distance. Muhammad attempts a takedown but Good shows a very good defense. Good breaks the clinch and lands a jab. The referee stops the fight for a few seconds to warn Lyman Good about his fingers. Good lands a nice right hand and keeps the pressure on Muhammad. Both fighters exchange combinations and Muhammad keeps moving side to side to prevent Good from setting his feet. Leg kick lands for Muhammad but Lyman Good lands two big right hands. Superman punch and low kick from Good. End of the round.
Round 2: 10-9 Lyman Good
Round 3
Third and last round of this welterweight bout. Good sprints into a combination but Muhammad escapes to the left. Big right land lands for Good, he drops Muhammad. Muhammad attempts a takedown but it’s stuffed by Good. Good lands a couple of big knees and keep pressuring Muhammad. Big right hand to break a clinch from Muhammad. Right hand and big body shots from Good. Superman punch from Good, Muhammad gets a takedown but Good gets immediately gets back to his feet. Good gets out of the clinch and both fighters land in a long exchange. Muhammad sprints into a takedown and gets Good’s back. He controls Lyman Good on the ground as the round ends.
Round 3: 10-9 Lyman Good
Official results: All three judges score the contest 29-28 in favor of Belal Muhammad. He wins by unanimous decision.