‘Mike’s Gym’ looking for the next Badr Hari

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on LiverKick.com, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div]

There was a pretty decent discussion about kickboxing this morning on Twitter between Bloodstain Lane, Michael Schiavello, myself and a few fans about kickboxing. There were those that argued kickboxing was dead in the United States and had no talent and then a lot of talk about who were the big stars of the past 20 years, who is coming up and how the regional muay thai scenes are still going very strong. There are some promotions that do great work on the West coast and East coast as well as some strong upstarts in Las Vegas like Lion Fights.

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Published on April 9, 2011 at 11:03 am
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