Every time I write an article about Michelle Waterson, people tell me I should stick to MMA and not fall into that tempting ‘Bikini Model, Ring Girl’ vortex. Trust me, it’s a daily struggle. I realize that MMA is everything, but everything isn’t MMA (now put that in your pipe and smoke it…and don’t forget to pass). Michelle Waterson falls into the category of unbelievably hot chick, bikini model and MMA fighter all wrapped up in the body of 5 ft 3 in chick that weighs a little over 100lbs. That’s a lot of archaic measurements. I bet if you’re from Europe, you probably still think Americans drown people to see if they’re witches. Well that’s true, but only in places like Arkansas. You don’t want to go there.
Last night, Michelle Waterson grabbed a W against Rosary Califano by executing a stunning flying armbar in just fifteen seconds in the first round. This brings the Karate Hottie to a record of 7-3 which is excactly 10 more MMA fights than I will ever do in my lifetime. No video has been released yet but congrats goes to Michelle Waterson and if you ever want to hang out, you know what to do.