Bellator is back in action and for the first time ever live from Paris, France. Michael Venom Page (17-1) headlines the show as he faces the undefeated Ross Houston (8-0) in the main event of the evening.
Round 1
Page switches stances and lands a side kick to the thigh. Page takes the center of the cage and lands a right hand. Houston misses with a switch kick and Page lands a body blow. Houston lands a right hand. Page lands a nice right hand after a jab feint. Leg kick lands for Houston, head kick misses right after. Kick from Page caught by Houston. Houston takes page down and moves into side control. Houston maintains control of the top position. Page manages to keep Houston out of the full mount position. The round ends with Houston on top.
Round 1 Houston
Round 2
Page lands an overhand right away. Leg kick lands for Houston. Jab to the body for Page, Houston misses with the leg kick. Page misses with the uppercut but lands a right hand. Houston pushes Page to the fence after failing to complete a takedown. Page trips Houston and starts landing some ground and pound. The referee stops the action after a strike to the back of the head of Houston. Houston lands a combination but eats a right hand in the process. Jab lands for Page. Page sprawls well and avoids the takedown. He then sweeps Houston and falls onto him. Houston remains on the ground and Page lands some ground and pound. Page moves to side control and lands more punches before the round ends.
10-9 Page
Round 3
Page misses with a right hand. Jab to the body lands for Page. Houston misses with a leg kick. Page takes the center of the cage and looks to be aggressive. Houston lands a left hook as he gets inside. Spinning back fist misses for Houston. Page engages in a clinch and pushes Houston to the fence. Houston reverses the position and looks for a takedown. Both fighters remain in the clinch as no one can advance the position. Houston goes for a takedown but gets denied. End of the round.
10-9 Page
Official results: Michael Page defeats Ross Houston by unanimous decision. (29-28; 30-27; 30-37)
Check the highlights below:
Ross Houston takes the fight to the ground late in round one of the #Bellator248 main event.
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— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) October 10, 2020