Conor McGregor was arrested on two felony charges earlier this week. The victim of the alleged attack, Ahmed Abdirzak recently spoke out about this incident. Michael Bisping took to his Believe You Me Podcast to speak out.
“Look at Kanye West outside LAX. Kanye West grabbed someone’s camera and smashed it up,” said the former UFC Middleweight Champion. He cited how in that instance, West was not arrested, nor had charges filied. He then detailed how he is not too happy with the choices of Abdirzak, saying “I’ll just say this guy’s a bit of a f—king d**k, to press charges.”
Bisping continued talking about his feelings on the situation, empathizing with McGregor’s situation. “He has to deal with this shit on a daily basis, it must drive him up the f—king wall,” noted “The Count.” BIsping was quick to explain that he was not defending the MMA Superstar though, just understanding.
Bisping continued talking about the incident, describing the situation McGregor likely found himself in was tough. “Sometimes, you’re just like ‘You know what, I’d rather just shake your hand, and have a conversation with you for five minutes, and have a real connection,” he said. I’m sure that would be more worthwhile for you.
Michael Bisping would then circle back to the issue with Conor’s reaction to the situation. “He flipped,” said Bisping.” He lost his f—king temper and he grabbed the phone and smashed it. It’s not a big deal. It really, really isn’t.”
Video footage has since emerged from the situation, furthing Bisping’s point that it may indeed not be a big deal.