After 7 years as a pro, 19 international fights and multiple featherweight titles, Marlon Sandro is finally making his stateside debut. The featherweight King of Pancrase (hopefully he has better luck than another King of Pancrase, Nate Marquardt) begins his journey in Bellator’s featherweight quarterfinals that take place in Hollywood, Florida vs countryman Genair da Silva, on MTV 2 in just a few short hours.
This seems like as good as a time as any to mention that during Jason High’s win last night, all the Marquardt turmoil, the Super Mario Marathon for the children has persevered. $45,000 has been raised and although the participants are starting to look bitter and weary, they are still going strong. If they have their way they will be missing the debut of Marlon Sandro to a US promotion, but they don’t mind, what’s 72 hours straight of the Mushroom Kingdom in the grand scheme of things?
Sandro spoke with Sherdog about his future plans for Bellator and how awkward it is to face a countryman as an opponent.
“I don’t want only to win the fights. I want to do the same as I did in Japan, to have good fights, give the crowd a show, so they will cheer for me,” “You need to win and convince; giving a spectacle is what you have got to have in mind. If I can do this — and I will — I’m sure Bellator will always want me on their lineups, and I will challenge for the title.”
“Yeah, it’s always awkward [to face a countryman outside Brazil]. We both are looking for a spot in this great promotion, but we’ve got to be professional,”
“We’ll prove the favelas’ power; we’ll show that the poor communities have a lot of talent and good people. Fruit like him, like me and like many others who are only waiting for an opportunity to grow in life,” “I’m motivated to show the talent of the favela’s people with him.”
Watch the Bellator summer series starting tonight on MTV 2 at 9/8c! Watch tired people play Super Mario for children here!