Neil Magny has for a long time been seen as a gatekeeper but he is tricky and smart fighter so Anthony Martin will look to gets past this obstacle to move up in rank.
Round 1
Referee Mark Smith says “Fight on” and the fighters get going. Martin takes the center of the octagon and qhickly pushes Magny to the fence. Magny escapes the clinch and pushes Martin away, but he eats some punches as he marches forward. Magny gets into a clinch against the fence and Martin ends up taking his back. Magny fights the hand to avoid the takedown and Martin fails to keep the position. Magny lands a few good low kicks and a jab before engaging in a clinch but Martin quickly put Magny’s back up against the fence. Martin lands a solid jab as Magny tries to land a low kick, but Magny keeps going to that low calf kick and lands. Martin sprints into a clinch and pushes Magny to the fence but can’t keep him there. End of the round.
Round 1: 10-9 Magny
Round 2
Martin starts the round by pushing the pace and lands a big right hand. Magny counters with a left uppercut as Martin tries to get Inside. Nice entry and level change from Martin who gets the takedown. Magny retains his guard and althought his was exposed for a little while, he manages to get back up safely. Both fighters get back to the center and Magny looks bouncy on his feet and lands a few kicks. Magny gets into a clinch and tries to get a takedown of his own but the threat of the kimura from Martin forces him to retreat. Magny seems to be the one pushing the pace now. Martin engages a clinch against the fence but Magny uses a double collar tie to get out. The fighters exchange low kicks as the round ends.
Round 2: 10-9 Magny
Round 3
Magny pushes the pace right away as he senses his oppenent tiring and lands a body kick. Martin sprints into a takedown attempt stuffed by Magny. Magny lands a right hand and pushes Martin against the fence. Magny seems to be the fresher fighter as he lands a few jabs and forces Martin to step back. Martin lands a nice kick to the leg and gets an opportunity to tie up Magny. Magny seperates and lands a nice right hand. Magny keeps dominating the round and lands a nice knee to the body, Martin ties up again but can’t maintain position. The fighters exchange big shots in the last 20 seconds. End of the fight.
Round 3: 10-9 Magny
Results: 30-27, 30-27 and 29-28 for Neil Magny who wins by unanimous decision.
Check the highlights below:
All @NeilMagny late! ⏱
He earns the UD from #UFC250
— UFC (@ufc) June 7, 2020