Despite recent reports that Lyoto Machida spawned from some dragon egg on top the hills of Salvador, Brazil thirty-one years ago, Lyoto does have a dad and his dad does drink his own urine. Urine drinking is nothing new people, it’s been a steady medicinal practice for over a thousand years. I tried it out because my friends bet me $5, a bottle of Powerade and a $20 gift card to Barnes and Nobles that I later found out was expired. Somehow Sherdog tracked down Lyoto’s father and he told them that Machida is pretty good, but not as good as Spider:
“Our son is not making a show yet because, to make a show, you have to be really superior. In his last two fights, he has given a great show. Now, he understands he’s strong. I love Anderson Silva’s fights because he’s an artist inside the Octagon. A lot of people don’t like it because they think he wants to play and have fun. I don’t see it that way. I see him as a showman who’s very strong. Deep in his heart, he knows he can finish the fight when he wants. Anderson was born like that. Lyoto is different. He wasn’t born like that, but as he trains more, trusts his karate and believes in his style, he’s getting more confident and is giving a better performance each time out.”
So can someone finally make a LOLcat with Lyoto vs. Machida. Anyone, please? Who’s stepping up to the plate? Me? Alright, here’s your moment of LOLcat zen compliments of [Source]