UFC Long Island: Lauren Murphy v Miesha Tate
Round 1
Tate takes to the outside of the circle. Nice right hand over the top lands for Murphy. Murphy putting on great pressure and follow up knee in the grapple. Tate lands a nice right. Tate making good use of the jab. Murphy goes for a takedown and she gets it momentarily. Tate with a reversal to keep Murphy off the fence. Murphy with a reversal but gets in a defensive position again. Tate with a shoulder strike. More strikes being exchanged in the clinch. Good jab from Murphy.
Round 2
Murphy opens up from the outside with nice lateral movement. Good left from Tate and Murphy counters with a huge right. Tate gets hit with another jab. Murphy goes for a takedown and gets it. Tate gets on the feet and a big elbow lands. Nice elbow for Murphy and Tate fires back with one. Murphy with another takedown attempt but Tate blocks it. Tate clinches Murphy off the fence and unloads a barrage of leg strikes. Huge elbow from Tate on the inside.
Round 3
Good pace from both women. Tate and Murphy are trying to find a home for the jab. Tate goes for a takedown and almost gets it, Murphy reversed it before going down. Nice elbow from Murphy right off the clinch. Tate is going for a brawl here, goos standup from the two. Murphy goes in to grapple. They return to the center of the octagon and stand to trade strikes.
Official Result: Lauren Murphy defeats Miesha Tate via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28).
Check out the highlights below:
First 5 minutes in the books 📚
[ #UFCLongIsland | Main Card LIVE on @ABCNetwork ] pic.twitter.com/QVlERgXWQg
— UFC (@ufc) July 16, 2022
5️⃣ more minutes to go!
[ #UFCLongIsland | Main Card LIVE on @ABCNetwork ] pic.twitter.com/TU2TTG4Yee
— UFC (@ufc) July 16, 2022
Nothing but respect after 15 hard fought minutes 👏
[ #UFCLongIsland | Main Card LIVE on @ABCNetwork ] pic.twitter.com/Nkr4ToLHoG
— UFC (@ufc) July 16, 2022
No luck needed for that win by @LaurenMurphyMMA 🍀 #UFCLongIsland pic.twitter.com/vgWngT0KM0
— UFC (@ufc) July 16, 2022