Khalil Rountree went into the bout looking to extend his two-fight winning run against Dustin Jacoby at UFC Fight Night 213 at UFC Apex in Las Vegas, Nevada.
UFC Vegas 63: Dustin Jacoby vs. Khalil Rountree
Round 1
Jacoby measures his distance with the deep. Low kick by Jacoby. Rountree lands a left of a combination. Rountree lands a big right hook. Inside leg kick by Jacoby. Rountree going for big loopy punches. Jacoby lands a nice jab, he’s turning up the volume in striking. Outside leg kick by Jacoby. Nice left hook by Jacoby. Rountree catches Jacoby’s kick. Jacoby with a shot to the body. Nice combo from Jacoby. Nice uppercut by Jacoby to the body. Nice double jab and cross from Jacoby. Khalil lands a straight left. Rountree with a big hit to close the round.
Round 2
Jacoby eats an outside leg kick. Rountree connects with a double jab. Nice straight from Jacoby. High striking output from both men. Rountree appears to be a bit gassed. Jacoby lands to the body. Outside leg kick by Jacoby. Big left from Jacoby pops Rountree’s head back. Full boxing on display. Rountree lands one flush to the chin. They get in clinch off the fence and back to the middle. Body shot and left hook to the head by Jacoby.
Round 3
Good body shot by Jacoby draws a reaction from Rountree. They both get into a striking match right away. Big left overhand from Rountree. Outside leg kick from Jacoby. Nice short right hook from Rountree. Jacoby with a 1-2. Rountree connects with a big left. Rountree gets a hold of him and hits a knee. Another knee from Rountree. Jacoby gets the single leg but doesn’t go for a takedown. Big left from Rountree lands. He follows up with a knee. Jacoby fires back.
Official Result: Dustin Jacoby, Khalil Rountree defeats Dustin Jacoby, Khalil Rountree via split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29).
Check out the highlights below:
What a fight 👏 #UFCVegas63
— UFC (@ufc) October 29, 2022
🗣 BY SPLIT DECISION!@KhalilRountree takes the W in a razor close fight – how did you score that one? #UFCVegas63
— UFC (@ufc) October 29, 2022