If freakishly large muscles were currency, Bobby Lashley could buy out the political regime of a small third-world country. He has the physique we all want, unless you’re a female — in which case he has the exact opposite of the physique that you’ve always wanted.
There should be no reason for Ms. Brazil not to win every Miss Universe pageant from now until the sun kills the earth. Just like there should be no reason that Bobby Lashley shouldn’t take down every opponent he’s ever faced and maul them to a bloody shell of their former self. However, we all saw the paradigm shift at Strikeforce: Houston against potential Strikeforce Heavyweight Grand-Prix participant, Chad Griggs. Now this past weekend at Titan Fighting Championship 17, Lashley finally returned after his first loss in his entire career to face John Ott in Kansas City, Kansas — and here’s the full fight video, compliments of HDNet.