This may be the greatest infomercial for weed that we have ever heard. Joe Rogan is a marijuana advocate and after this story, everyone is going to want to get high.
Think about whatever you love most in the world. It’s okay, we’ll wait. Then whatever that is Joe Rogan loves weed that much more.
In order to get recreational and medical marijuana legalized in all 50 states of the union, we need Rogan to tell this story in front of Congress. Or the Senate. Or the House of Representatives. Whoever makes moves and gets stuff done in the United States needs to hear Joe Rogan tell them about the first time Eddie Bravo got him high.
This is beautiful story.
It took us a few watches before we realized Rogan was originally telling this tale to Sugar Sean O’Malley. We’re so happy Sugar Sean and Rogan are homies now. MMA is pretty messed up but at least the sport brought these two guys together.
So apparently Joe wasn’t really into smoking weed until the fateful day he met Eddie Bravo. Thank you for that Eddie. The passion and extreme detail Rogan goes into retelling the moment he got high with Bravo the first time is amazing. This may be some of Rogan’s best play-by-play work.
Truly inspiring stuff right here. And you know what? It all makes sense. Now we want to hear the origin story behind the first time Eddie Bravo filled Joe Rogan in about a wild ass conspiracy theory.
I mean?
Think about it.
Follow the trail.
Look into it.
Check out the full episode of the JRE MMA Show with Sean O’Malley & Tim Welch below