What’s the story behind Jessica Andrade sporting a Native American headdress to celebrate her co-main event victory over Tecia Torres? I have no clue at all…
But I have to admit, it looks sweet as fuck.
Next challenger to the belt? @JessicaMMAPro #UFCOrlando pic.twitter.com/epgCoB9KV3
— UFC (@ufc) February 25, 2018
Is that racist? For a Brazilian to rock a head dress?
Does Umuarama, Paraná, Brazil have a tradition of wearing dope headdresses as well? If not, they do now. Why isn’t wearing cool headdresses a global phenomenon? Everyone should be able to enjoy the power of wearing elaborate decorative headgear, particularly post-battle.
5 thoughts on “Jessica Andrade Rocks Native American Head Dress to Celebrate Her Win Over Tecia Torres”
THIS IS NOT ELABORATIVE DECORATIVE HEADGEAR…….ITS WRONG! I don’t care what race you are….if you aren’t indigenous to the tribe which only allows the MALE wear that….yall have no respect but all the ignorance to show. I’m only speaking on behalf of my ancestral background. She isn’t even from here. Like…..why? Reporters like you who try and manipulate and maneuver readers minds to make them think that this is okay……is not okay. Do your research and have some respect. This is not okay. Trust…that either every indigenous who sees this at home is either laughing AT her or are offended.
totally agree 100! This is very disrespectful.
Wrong, not all indigenous people are offended or laughing at her. You dont speak for us all. Andrade is indigenous, shes explained it before in an interview and talks about how her grandma was a captured native and it’s in her blood, the bonnet represents her going into war in the octogon and connecting with her ancestral roots, is what she says
That is so very disrespectful! If she was trying to connect with her roots and her ancestral background then she would’ve talked to elders that are in her family and ask them what they thought about her decision to wear such a sacred peace of traditional wear. I hope she realizes what she is doing.
Not sure how it works with American Indians, but if we were talking Canadian Indigenous, what she’s doing is completely cultural appropriation AND she’s the wrong sex. I don’t know if she has legit roots or not, but I have to raise an eyebrow every time I see this. It’s near akin to a white fighter coming out in blackface to represent his or her black roots.