It is said that the best remedy for a broken heart is to immediately go out and find yourself some random unsuspecting person to focus your energies on and help keep you from thinking about being tossed in the trashcan like a crumpled, used, empty and completely worthless cardboard juicebox. I guess the same thing applies when you break up with your training camp. In fact, I bet the whole concept that applies to an immediate replacement rebound chick (or dude for my ladies) works the same way with replacement training partners. You know the game–show up at the same places your ex will be at with your new ‘friend’ and make sure to laugh it up, smile a whole bunch and be extra touchy feely to make them reel with jealousy.
Whether or not it works , it looks like Rashad is playing those cards and has gone out and found some new pals to help him get ready for his Bones Jones fight and he went for a really big heavy hitting guy to make friends with. I wonder if Jon Jones got a little twinge of jealousy when he saw this picture Rashad posted on twitter just a bit ago: