Dammit, now that Golden Glory has made a World War II reference in their recent Alistair Overeem/Marloes Coenen promo, I will have to open up my old history book and pretend like I know what I’m searching for. Granted, if I would have paid a little more attention in European history in high school, the message on their flyer wouldn’t be so esoteric. I directly attribute my lack of attention to the chick that sat adjacent from me. In fact, I attribute every class that I’ve ever received a ‘C’ in to a chick that sat in my vicinity. When you have the attention span of a warm jar of mayonnaise, it’s easy to get distracted.
So we saved the Netherlands in 1945? Damn. Shouldn’t that entitle us all to a complimentary time-share somewhere in Amsterdam? What do we get out of it? Oh, the unspoken agreement that if North Korea tries to nuke the USA, Alistair will soccer-kick whatever missile into Jupiter’s orbit. Egh, that’s good enough for me.