Hacked or not this is damn hilarious. 20 years ago on a fateful night in Atlanta, Georgia Goldberg defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. It was one of the best pro wrestling moments of the 90s and now in 2018 we wonder what Donald Trump was doing on that night in 1998.
You know what? Maybe its best we don’t know what Trump was doing late on a random Monday night.
Fast forward to present day and a 51-year-old Goldberg is feuding with the President of the United States who happens to be Donald Trump.
What world are we living in? Is it too late to time travel back to 1998, when everything was so simple? Yeah, 98 wasn’t all that great either. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
So Goldberg was clearly hacked but damn whoever hacked our beloved WCW champion sure can cut a pro wrestling promo.
Rebuild the Georgia Dome for Berg vs. Trump in front of 70 plus thousand screaming Southern wrestling fans. Broadcast this match on TNT.
And then
Just picturing Goldie hitting a Jackhammer on his phone, hooking the leg, after this tweet was sent.
Vince McMahon needs to get this made for WrestleMania 35 as soon as possible. The pro wrestling and MMA connection between Trump-Goldberg is a very real thing. If nothing else can Goldberg just spear the nerd who hacked his Twitter account for old time’s sake?
Just to a put a big old cherry on top of this mess is Goldberg’s tweet from August 12th resting beautifully next to his one from August 22nd.