Standing in front of Gilbert Yvel in a combat sport is the sadistic equivalent of challenging a rottweiler to a barking contest. Either situation is going to have you leave with a migraine wishing you strived for better grades in high school. If the dog gets off the leash and ends up mauling you, that’s coincidentally the same fate you’d suffer from Gilbert Yvel once he connects with 1-8-3-2-5 combination. Unfortunately, Gilbert Yvel has been removed from the UFC’s heavyweight roster and as a direct result, anatomic biologists still don’t know the fastest way to extract a spleen from the human body. The silver lining to this cloud is that the remainder of the UFC heavyweight division and their respective spleens are safe. New test subjects for Gilbert will have to come from another organization’s’ heavyweight division in 2011. As excited as we were when the Hurricane was signed to the UFC is as equally bummed out we are of him leaving. At least we’ll always have his highlight reel tattooed in our memory. [Source]