Get your taxes done by Zoila Frausto


Maybe if I wasn’t working for MiddleEasy, I could start a side business doing income taxes. A few years ago, I got a random technical college certificate in income tax preparation just as something to fall back on if my roller derby girl career never ends up panning out. I’m not really sure why I decided to go with income tax preparation because taxes and I do not get along well. I also don’t get along very well with traffic tickets. I like to toss those in the recycling dumpster. Apparently the Sheriff’s office thinks I shouldn’t do that, they actually want me to send the ticket back to them in an envelope along with a check. The IRS has the audacity to ask me to do the same with my tax forms. That’s all crazy talk, if you ask me.

I’m pretty sure if I were to even attempt to make money by preparing taxes, the IRS would be banging down my down my door wanting to audit me and make me provide proof that my purchases from are real business expenses. IRS people don’t really understand why having lots of thigh high socks is important in my line of work. I’m not sure how else I’m supposed to try and convince Anthony Pettis to give me an exclusive one on one interview on a blowup pool floaty thing covered in oil in a Thai massage parlor without thigh high socks. The socks are a required uniform. It’s even in the employee handbook.

Zoila Frausto doesn’t have the same IRS troubles as me though, so in between her frate traneing she wants to do your taxes. According to Zoila’s Facebook, if you live in California you can get your taxes done by her or her Mom this tax season. Here is the Frausto tax business information, let this be the year you get your taxes done before April 15th.

Zoila Frausto
It’s TAX Time!! Come get them done.
Zoyla’s Tax Service
17296 Rd 26 ste A,
Madera Ca 93638
559-662-8’786 off.
…559-661-8267 fax.
26yrs of experience.
We offer:
Friendly service,
Fast refunds 1 to 2 days,
Direct deposit to your account,
8 to 15 days & have your fees withheld from your refund, or
Mailed to your home.

Amazing the things we can learn about people from Facebook. I never would have thought The Warrior Princess was sitting at a desk calculating adjusted gross income and itemizing taxpayer deductions when she isn’t smashing faces. If I lived in California I would let her do my taxes. She’s probably the only tax accountant who has the ability to properly wear a bikini and choke any audit threats out of an IRS agent on the planet.

Published on January 22, 2011 at 12:19 am
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