Swedes are cool, but they get entirely too close when they talk. It’s as if the theory of personal space hasn’t been invented over there yet. Talking to a person from Sweden will increase your chance of contracting a communicable disease. They just need to realize that sound does this thing called ‘traveling’ and it can traverse four feet in relatively the same time that it takes to clear six inches. There’s no need for me to smell what you ate the previous morning and passively evaluate if the acne cream you applied to your face has been working. Keep your distance, Sweden. That should go on a shirt — with large letters so that it can be read from a distance.
We’re assuming Bellator’s new middleweight Jack Hermansson and Miss skOOm, the interviewer in the video, suffers from this same geographical disorder. However, an excellent way to actually create distance from a person you’re talking to is to just flying knee them across the room, as demonstrated in this MMAViking clip.