Fro Cop speaks about his newly acquired name

No matter how many times you turn your head the other way or change the subject, you can never deny the Fro Cop. It’s like trying to repress some screwed up childhood memory that will only cost you a lifetime of therapy. Maybe it’s not that intense. I tend to exaggerate things whenever an exorbitant amount of hair is involved. The day Jamie Yager accepts his role as the new Jim Kelly of our generation is the day when Al Queda will give up on this whole terrorism nonsense. Once again, the consequences are not quite that extreme. This is all just a way for me to set up a video from our dude, LayzieTheSavage, interviewing Fro Cop with a complimentary MiddleEasy shout-out attached at the end.

Published on June 15, 2010 at 4:02 am
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