Most of you are going through the Reem withdrawals this weekend now that the documentary is finished. Unfortunately modern medicine has not found a remedy for your illness. The only thing we can do to help the cold sweats and sporadic shakes is to inject you with a healthy dose of The Reem, but this time in audio form.
Eldar Gross, the director of The Reem has granted the official tracklist for every episode of the documentary. I’ve exuded over an hour locating (almost) every song and placing a YouTube link on the track so you can reminiscent on the time when Overeem shoved copious amounts of sushi in his mouth — or dominated Brett Rogers in the first round at Strikeforce: St. Louis. Hopefully this will be enough to subside your withdrawal symptoms. Be sure to only dose through your auditory canal.
EPISODE 1 [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 2: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 3: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 4: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 5: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 6: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 7: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 8: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 9: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 10: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 11: [list class=”bullet-9″]
[/list] EPISODE 12: [list class=”bullet-9″]