At first everything was fine. Nate Diaz weighed in a cool 155.6 pounds, fit as a fiddle and raring to go. Then, Dana White leaned into Nate’s ear on stage in Seattle as Nate tried to put his pants on and a conversation went down somewhat like this: ‘you’re (expletive) over .6 (expletive pounds)’ to which Nate responded ‘(expletive)’. Nate would look over at Nick who would in return say ‘(expletive pull up your pants)’ then all all three of them in concert said ‘(expletive)’. Everything is OK now though, even if it took two more tries for Nate to finally hit 155. A quick trip to the bathroom only relieved .4 ounces of weight from Nate’s body, so he burned off the final .2 backstage and here we go: footage of Nate weighing 155 on the dot to a small but happy crowd of onlookers.
Thanks to UFC Espanol for the video.
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