So, it seems like Enfusion Reality is TUF Lite. I guess that’s fine, I enjoy kickboxing immensely, but let’s get real, since this is reality we’re talking about, right? When there is evidence of TUF being stale for the last 4-5 years or so, why piggyback off its format? If you have the crew, the funding, the ability to create something different, why aren’t you?
Because it’s hard is not an excuse. Not to me. You have an opportunity to do something cool here, Enfusion, and instead you walk down the path that’s not only been cleared with the machetes of TUF, you’re walking down a six lane highway of been there done that. And it’s paved by that weird new material that soaks up solar cells.
Nah, that itself might be too boundary-pushing, and legislature will surely tangle that genius step forward in the web of depression. Cool trailer though.