For all of those that were disadvantaged to not be born in the early 80s, let me sprinkle a little cartoon education on you. Before there were Transformers, Ultraman or even Mighty Morphing Power Rangers there existed Voltron: Defender of the Universe. If defending the galaxy from evil were a martial art, Voltron would be like the Helio Gracie of it. To fully form ‘Voltron’, five space pilots needed to merge together forming each limb and eventually the head. Once Voltron was on the scene, the universe had its own robotic Frankenstein bodyguard protecting it from the likes of King Zarkon, Commander Yurak, Viceroy Throk and Prince Lotor. Dude was unstoppable and it’s ridunkulous how there hasn’t been a movie made about Voltron. As long as Michael Bay keeps his hand off my childhood hero and just sticks to screwing up Tranformers, I’m cool.
Now it looks like Dream is embracing a concept that the UFC would never imagine (not even in an advanced placement High-school English brainstorming session), co-promoting with another organization to make one giant event for the fans. Sengoku seemed to be having a rough time promoting their New Years Eve event with that gargantuan that is Dynamite!! 2009 lurking in the corner. Egos have been set aside, truces made and it looks like Sengoku and Dream will combine for one massive NYE card. FEG has been assigned a 5-hour slot to fill for their upcoming event so throwing your boy Satoshi Ishii in the mix (who is like a Japanese kami). Josh Gross from Sports Illustrated confirmed that Sengoku are in talks with Dream about joining forces so it’s only a matter of time until we get to see the mother of co-promotions unfold on Japanese soil like Godzilla surfaced on the Pacific ocean over thirty years ago.
That should make you amped up enough to pick up that broken microwave that’s been sitting in my apartment’s driveway and throw it at my functional alcoholic’s neighbor’s face. Don’t worry, she won’t feel it. She has that Jack Daniel’s pain force-field. [Source]