Demian Maia Stops Ben Askren Via Rear-Naked Choke!
UFC Fight Night 162 is headlined by a very interesting welterweight fight between the former ONE FC and Bellator Welterweight champion Ben “Funky” Askren and grappling phenom, 4th degree BJJ black belt under Fabio Gurgel, Demian Maia. It is taking place live now (Saturday, October 26, 2019) from inside Singapore Indoor Stadium in Singapore.
Ben Askren exits first, he sports black trunks and blue gloves. Demian Maia wears gray shorts and red gloves.
The third man is Herb Dean. The match is underway!
Round 1
Askren is cautious. Maia lands big strikes. He even attempted a body kick. Askren goes forward, tries to clinch up, but Maia evades.
Low kick Askren. Askren tries to clinch up, Maia evades. Askren with a right hook, fighters in the clinch, Maia lands big knees, and fighters separate.
Askren 1-2, Maia defends well, low kick Askren, but Maia caught him into a Muay Thai clinch, he chooses to let him go. 1-2 Maia, he attacks well. Clinch.
Big knee to the stomach Maia. Askren ate a big blow to the head, but he ducks under Maia. Askren has one under-hook in, but Maia rotates to the side and escapes.
Right uppercut Askren, he saves standing guillotine choke attempt. Askren goes forward Maia circles. Low kick Askren. Big right straight Askren, dirty boxing on both sides, I think Demian is bleeding. Maia lands two big left hands and another one. Askren clinches up and survives.
Fighters clinch up, but Askren goes forward like a zombie, eating blows all the time. Maia counters with a big left hand. Body kick Maia. 1-2 Askren.
Left hand to the chin Maia, fighters separate again. Maia has one under-hook in, Askren took him down for a second, Maia got up, but Askren ends up on top, Maia rotates well, but Askren remains in the full guard.
Askren postures up and lands few punches, he transitions to north-south, Maia rotates well and grabs his legs. 10-9 Maia.
Round 2
Maia jabs, Askren counters with a right kick to the body, Demian circles. Left hook misses. Askren goes forward, Maia lands a body shot. Clinch knee, Demian.
Another knee lands for Maia, short hook Askren. Askren eats another big right hand but fires back with a good punch. Ben’s boxing is surprisingly good for now!
Left hand to the body Maia. Maia punishes Askren with a counter. Maia’s face is covered in blood but another left uppercut tags Askren. Right uppercut Ben. Three big punches to the head Askren. Right uppercut misses its mark.
Excellent blows on both sides. Right jab Maia. 1-2 Maia. Askren shoots in and takes Maia down, he ends up in the full guard. Maia goes for the Omoplata, and transitions to the top position, oh man, I have never seen someone doing this to Ben Askren!!!
Maia mounts Askren, Ben turns back, Maia goes for a Kimura but Askren transitions and evades. Maia rolls well. 10-9 Askren.
Round 3
Left straight Maia. Askren presses Maia against the cage, but Maia rotates him and delivers a big left hand. Ben tries to trip him. Amazing wrestling throw!
Askren pounds him off the top. Maia transitions well and gets up. Askren is cut too! Spinning backfist Askren, missed by a hair.
Maia clinches up. Right cross Askren. Left cross Maia. Askren grabs his hips and clinches up Big left hand to the chin Askren. Askren trips him again, but Maia grabs his leg and sweeps. Maia is on Askren’s back, he trapped him with a body triangle!
Maia is trying to choke him out… the hand is under the chin… Maia submits Ben Askren… rear-naked choke!!! Hey Ben… BOOM ROASTED!
Final Result: Demian Maia defeats Ben Askren (round 3, rear-naked choke, 3:54)
Here are the highlights:
Ben Askren drops to 19-2, 1 NC MMA; 1-2 UFC, Demian Maia improves the score to 28-9 MMA, 22-9 UFC.