Ah sunday morning, let’s pour ourselves a stiff cup of joe and reach inside the medicine cabinet for a dose of RU-486. It’s the morning after UFC 133 and after Dennis Hallman forced his baby making barnacles upon all of us wihtout consent, we’re going to need a double dose of morning after pill to avoid unwanted impregnation. This world does not need more babies born into the life of blue speedo wearing. Blue speedo wearing makes people loses their marbles and it only leads to a criminal life riddled with random acts of flashing and indecent exposure. Please, just say no to tiny blue speedo wearing.
Now that I’ve gotten off my anti-blue speedo soapbox, check out this clip of Dana White talking to Karyn Bryant of MMA Heat after the fights last night. Karyn gets the big man to talk a bit about the good the bad and even the moments of UFC 133 that Dana found downright disgusting. Dana refers to Sexyama as his Japanes Arturo Gotti, gives both Rashad and Tito major accolades and talks about awarding our boy Twas Brian Ebersole that $70,000 bonus. Check it out while you wait impatiently for the beloved Sunday Morning Rumor Mill: