The fact that Dana White throws verbal ninja stars at anyone in his vicinity shouldn’t surprise you. If this news has startled you, we suggest you go back and look at every recorded interview White has done in the last five years. Hopefully you may run across Technoviking in your search and he will steer you in the right direction. If Dana White was an honorary member of the X-Men, his mutant power would be the ability to completely demolish your self-esteem within seconds. At the UFC 121 post-fight press conference, Dana took time to address all of those ‘morons’ who had an issue with the UFC pushing the ‘Hispanic’ angle in their marketing campaign shortly before last weekend’s bout.
“There were some idiots out there that said, ‘They have to play the Mexican thing with him because that’s all they’ve got,'” White said. “‘This guy’s got nothing else and whatever.’
“If one of you idiots here said that, you’re a [expletive] moron, No. 1. But No. 2, the guy’s Mexican. His parents came here from Mexico (and) came over the border. … Do you think we had him tattoo ‘Brown Pride’ on his chest? What the [expletive]?”
I know a guy in Memphis, TN that told me Dana White rocked a ‘man-purse’ at UFC 107. A man-purse is taking it to an entirely different level. The reason why guys don’t have purses is not because it would look tacky, but we would use it for ignorant stuff like grappling hooks to climb buildings. A purse is a fishing hook with a bag attached to it. A purse is an over-sized beer coozie for a guy. [Source]