And it only seemed like yesterday that Bernard Hopkins was calling all of you homosexuals with an extreme fetish of bondage pornography. Upon hearing the news, Dan Hardy took an abrupt lunch break at The Daily Planet, entered a phone booth, spun around a little bit and put on his cape to save the day. Check out what Dan Hardy told The Sun regarding Bernard Hopkins being Bernard Hopkins:
“Hopkins is allowed his opinion but I don’t think this is what he really thinks. He knows that MMA is a tough sport and that the people involved are professional athletes. I remember him talking very well of Randy Couture a couple of years ago after watching Randy train. I get the feeling Hopkins lashed out at the UFC and MMA like he did because he knows nobody under the age of 35 cares about boxing any more. It seems Hopkins has a tendency to speak before thinking, what with his racist comment before his fight with Joe Calzaghe fight, and now his homophobic remark. Insinuating that UFC fans must have chains and masks in their closets is just ridiculous. If I remember correctly, Hopkins enters the ring wearing a gimp mask, right? I think most MMA fans will give his criticism the contempt it deserves, but Hopkins is welcome to come and have a go if he doesn’t take UFC fighters seriously. I’ll take that fight and would promise not to wear panties and to keep my nuts off his face.”