Could this be the spy that infiltrated Rampage’s camp?

Forget what’s going on in Syria, the real spygate is happening between Jon Jones and Rampage Jackson, and it appears there has been a breakthrough in the on-going mystery. For those not familiar with the story, you can read one of our previous articles, or just settle for the following one sentence explanation. Rampage made up an injury, it leaked out, Rampage claimed there was a spy in his camp, Jones and his camp denied it.

Just hours ago, Rampage made an appearance on ESPN and claimed the spy in his camp had a first name ‘Leonard.’ Now that you’re up to date, check out what MiddleEasy reader, Matthew Goldstein, found today as he was searching in MusclePharm’s financial records. It appears there has been SEC filings that states someone named ‘Leonard Armenta’ resigned from the company on September 16th 2011. You can view the government record here, or just read the excerpt below.

Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.

Resignation of Executive Vice President

On September 16, 2011, Leonard K. Armenta resigned from his position as the Executive Vice President of MusclePharm Corporation, a Nevada corporation (the “Company”). His resignation was not the result of any disagreements with the Company on any matters relating to the Company’s operations, policies or practices.

It’s important to note that Bloodstain Lane predicted the spy would be a person emerging from the MusclePharm corporation in one of his previous YouTube videos. MMA Nostradamus or MMA Nas? It ain’t hard to tell… [Source]

Published on September 23, 2011 at 4:05 pm
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