Always stay trolling. All Colby Covington needed was a spotlight so he can star as the newest heel in his version of SouthPaw Regional Wrestling.
On Saturday Covington defeated Demian Maia in his home country of Brazil and was a huge d**k about it. Sure Covington may be a 1980s house show heel but he’s MMA house show heel and in 2017 that’s good enough.
Actually, Covington may be a better heel than people give him credit for because now the entire country of Brazil and all UFC fighters who hail from there want to kick his ass. As the saying goes in pro wrestling “death threat heat is still heat” or something like that.
Per Covington, via MMAUno, Lyoto Machida was so enraged by his heel act that The Dragon threatened to fuck him up moments before he was about to make his walkout for his main event bout with Derek Brunson.
LOL, wait what?
“The UFC were just a little afraid for my safety so we were like rushed back to the hotel with security. I had to go right back to my room and I wasn’t allowed out anywhere so I just bunkered down in my room. That’s why things happened the way they did.
“When I went backstage there were still a lot of Brazilian people mad. All the Brazilian fighters were like ‘Fuck you, I’m going to kill you if I see you. You’re dead.’ Even Lyoto Machida was focused on me saying ‘You disrespected Brazil. Fuck you, I’ll fuck you up.’ I was like why are you worried about me, you got a fight with Derek Brunson in two seconds.”
“And like, he should know better anybody that there’s going to be heels in this game and there are going to be people that play the villain role. He’s been around it a lot so he should know. He should’ve learned his lesson.”
So you’re saying none other than Colby Covington AKA Colby “Fucking” Covington was occupying head space in Machida’s head moments before The Dragon was about to fight in front of thousands of Brazilian fans?
Believe in that Covington heat now?