Cody Mckenzie is becoming well versed in Dutch muay-thai

There’s this animated .gif floating around the interwebs of Cody McKenzie awkwardly running up to a camera with the words ‘S*** just got real.’ I’m sure someone will post it in the comment section below, but be warned that the rest of my day will most likely result in me paralyzed in laughter on my floor. It’s the perfect blend of comedy blended with a blanket of unexpected curiosity. Why is he running? More importantly, what is he running away from? Now that Cody McKenzie is touching up his Dutch muay-thai with Peter Teijsse, I’m sure he could high kick whatever force he’s running away from. Check out this video of Cody McKenzie getting nasty on the pads and for all you Fedor fans out there, there is a present towards the end of the clip. [Source]

Published on August 10, 2011 at 10:40 pm
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