UFC Hall of Fame legend Chuck Liddell was recently reported to have been arrested on charges of domestic battery. Now this case is being dropped, and he will not be facing any legal action.
When reports were revealed to say that Liddell had been picked up by Los Angeles police had arrested on charges of domestic battery, fans were not sure what to think. Initially it appeared that he had assaulted his wife, as he was arrested following an argument that became physical, but upon his release from jail, Chuck said that he was the victim.
Now it appears that the case has been dropped on account of a lack of sufficient evidence, per some recent reporting. Apparently the courts and arresting officer found that both parties were accusing each other of what has been described as a “minor domestic violence incident,” and with the lack of substantial evidence, the case has been dropped.
Chuck Liddell Was The Only One With Injuries
While technically speaking, there has been no official ruling that declares Chuck Liddell was the victim in this situation, it certainly appears that way, at least to some degree. According to the court document, he was the only one who had any visible injuries, albeit minor ones, while his wife Heidi had none.
On the other hand, both parties were named as suspects in the case which ultimately led nowhere. Coinciding with that is the statement from their daughter, who said that she saw both of her parents shoving each other, but was unsure of who started it.
It is also important to note that following his release from jail, Chuck Liddell revealed that he was filing for divorce. So between the legal issues and his relationship with Heidi ending, one can only hope that this is the last anyone hears of this issue from him.