Up next, two fierce fighters take the stage. Cynthia Calvillo (9-1-1) looks to earn a title shot in the women’s flyweight division, but to do so she must get past the number two ranked contender Katlyn Chookagian (14-4).
Round 1
Calvillo opens up with a leg kick to Chookagian’s lead leg. Chookagian takes the center of the octagon and returns the favor. Calvillo catches a leg kick and takes Chookagian down but she gets right back up. Chookagian has the control of the striking aspect of the fight, she then defends a nice takedown attempt from Calvillo. Calvillo lands a nice right hand, she then lands another one after a miss from Chookagian. End of the round.
10-9 Chookagian
Round 2
Nice sidekicks to the body land for Calvillo. Chookagian keeps pressuring Calvillo and outlands her in every exchange. Calvillo pushes back and lands a right hand. Chookagian’s jab is landing almost every time, she uses it to keep Calvillo away. Calvillo comes back with a big left hook. Chookagian eats a leg kick and lands one in return. Calvillo takes the center of the cage but she struggles to break the distance and use her grappling skills. End of the round.
10-9 Chookagian
Round 3
Calvillo lands a good kick to the body but gets pushed back by Chookagian right away. Calvillo looks to be more aggressive but Chookagian’s footwork makes her a difficult target to hit. Chookagian catches a kick and sweeps Calvillo. Chookagian keeps landing the jab, Calvillo attempts a takedown, but it is well defended. Nice right hand lands for Calvillo, she seems to have suffered a cut on the nose. End of the round.
10-9 Chookagian
Official results: Katlyn Chookagian defeats Cynthia Calvillo by unanimous decision. (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Check the highlights below:
Blonde Fighter bounces back!
👩🏼 @BlondeFighter with a big win in Vegas tonight. #UFC255 pic.twitter.com/HdjjPLlLMq
— UFC (@ufc) November 22, 2020
Already ready to get back in the Octagon!
Who should @BlondeFighter take on next? ⤵️ #UFC255 pic.twitter.com/UMOD8DpL4K
— UFC (@ufc) November 22, 2020