Whatever they’re feeding the fire department in Tucson, Arizona must originate from the same test tube as the stuff Bane had coursing through his veins the day he broke Batman’s back. Perhaps that’s a little drastic. When Bane was incarcerated in Pena Duro prison, he established himself as the alpha male by murdering a jesuist priest and stabbing anyone else that came near him with a knife that he concealed in the back of a teddy bear. Eventually, the prison warden forced Bane to be a test subject of a new drug called ‘Venom’, a drug that killed every person it was administered to. At first, the drug nearly takes Bane’s life. He eventually survived and found that Venom vastly increased his physical strength. Bane then forced scientists to create a system of tubes that would inject it directly into his brain every twelve-hours. Batman’s spine was broken by a junkie.
Check out this video of Chad Griggs breaking down his Strikeforce Houston gameplan since it’s impossible to effortlessly segue from the story of Bane’s biographical origins. [Source]