Carlos Newton demonstrates a one-inch punch and throws a Wu-Tang reference in for good measure

Carlos Newton should be undefeated based on how cool he looks. The same goes with Sokoudjou or any other guy that competes in MMA with a full set of dredlocks. We all wanted them, but our parents firmly held onto the belief that long hair was a gateway drug that led to smoking marijuana, wearing tie-dye shirts and owning an acoustic guitar with a Bob Marley sticker on the back. Instead, we all had to settle for Stussy and Yaga shirts which, in retrospective, was a horrible replacement. Damn.

Apparently these same set of rules didn’t apply to Carlos Newton, and in this interview with TrainingWithThePros, he breaks down the exact technique on the infamous ‘one-inch punch’ and even throws a couple of Wu-Tang Clan references in there to further solidify the fact that we were correct in our assessment of Newtown’s coolness. Props to Sherdog for the picture.

Now that we know how to properly execute a one-inch punch, the question still stands: Why hasn’t anyone used this in the clinch? [Source]

Published on September 1, 2010 at 9:30 pm
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