Everyone raise your hand if you purchased three non-refundable round-trip tickets to Anaheim, California in order to attend one of the biggest MMA events in 2009? Alright, now raise your hand if you drank yourself into a stupor when you found out Affliction: Trilogy was canceled? Now, raise your hand if you finished a comic book series instead of fighting Fedor in August. If your name isn’t Josh Barnett, then you’re a fraud. Besides being a financial liability to everyone who purchased tickets to the event, Bas Rutten says Josh Barnett is just a liability to MMA in general.
I think that Josh is going to have a very difficult time getting another fight in the United States. Who is going to take the risk to promote that fight with the liabilities from his past that he would bring if he was put into a main event again. It’s like the actors that get banged up on drugs and alcohol; they become liabilities and can cause a whole movie production to go down the drain. So you see them less and less involved in the industry because nobody wants to work with them. It’s a shame.
Currently, the only way anyone can reproduce the main event of Affliction: Trilogy is to pop in your nearest Pro Fire Wrestling disc into your Playstation 2. Well, until EA Sports announces him for their MMA…because you know it’s going to happen soon. [Source]