A small part of my soul dies whenever I’m forced to choose winners for such an incredibly revolutionary contest. I’m sure that if the art world suddenly reverted to crayons as its primary medium, all of you that entered out Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Cyborg Crayon Poster Contest would have jobs — doing whatever crayon artists would do. On Monday we challenged our readers to come up with their greatest version of a Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Cyborg poster created entirely in crayons, and the entries were beyond amazing. If I told you the inclusion of the MiddleEasy Monster didn’t influence our decision, I would be lying. Out of the multitude of stellar entries, we had to decide on just two to win a pair of tickets to Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Cyborg, and here are the winners:
Tobikan Judan’s poster…
…and connertreffry!
Winners have been notified and if they don’t respond in a timely manner (damn, sounds like my dad) or can’t attend the event, we will be forced to choose another winner.