I know a lot of things that are called a ‘Trilogy’ but really arent. Look at Star Wars, what happened there. What else…I can’t think of any. Maybe I’m wrong. Affliction officially announced over the weekend that their next Affliction (the third one) is going to be called ‘Trilogy’. Affliction officially announced over the weekend that their next Affliction will not be the last Affliction. Something about those two statements might seem to conflict each other but to all those who believe that, you’ve probably never had a girlfriend (in which case in makes perfect sense).Tom Atencio loves messing with my emotions. I’m a pretty sensitive guy. I DVR The View everyday.
So it’s confirmed that this will not be the last Affliction. Everybody take it easy, relax and notice how Atencio is a spitting image of Eduardo Pamplona. Told you so.