A conversation with chiropractor to the MMA elite, Dr. Peter Goldman

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on DstryrSG, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div]

Hey, grapplers. We’re privileged to have met some terrific people since we began our DSTRYR/Sg journey a couple of year ago. Along the way, we featured some unique, effective and cleverly named techniques created by Adiso Banjoko Adiso is a man of many talents and vocations: he’s an author/journalist and activist and the founder of the Hip Hop Chess Federation, a non-profit organization promoting martial arts, chess and music. He’s also a legit purple belt out of Heroes Martial Arts in San Jose, CA. He’s most graciously offered to contribute to DSTRYR/SG and we couldn’t be happier.

Check out an interview he recently did for us:

Dr. Peter Goldman is a chiropractor to top MMA and BJJ fighters, including the likes of UFC champ BJ Penn, Eddie Bravo, Jake Shields and Denny Prokopos among many others. He is a champion in Karate and a Brown Belt under JJ Machado. Dr. Pete does what’s known as Zone Healing. Its impact is beyond traditional chiropractic methods. I sat with him recently to learn more about it. This is what he told me:

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Published on October 22, 2011 at 7:19 pm
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