If aliens landed on earth and used Dana White’s conversations as the lexicon for modern humans, they would believe the entire English language solely consisted of a string of four-letter words. When you wake up tomorrow morning, just be thankful that you’ve never been in the path of Dana’s verbal onslaught, and if you have, thank your lucky stars that you’re still alive. You can then take those lucky stars, combine them with purple horseshoes and toss it all in a bowl of milk and you will have 50% of the ingredients required to create a bowl of Lucky Charm cereal. Dana White is Irish, so I guess that’s some sort of segue.
Check out this video of forty of the greatest Dana White F-Bombs in the history of the UFC, and be sure not to steal this article — because that’s [expletive] illegal. That’s a joke that’s a reference from one of Dana’s infamous F-bombs, but feel free to steal this article. Just kidding about that one, don’t — please. Thanks. Props to Darren for the find.