I think we’ve been alive too long. How does the saying go? You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain? Yeah. I’m starting to feel it. We all are. We’ve hid in the shadows, avoiding any type of interaction with other survivors, fearing their kill on site wrath. We’ve gathered medical supplies, food, equipment and everything we’d ever need to survive in the far north.
We don’t need to be camping an airport, waiting for someone to come through for some supplies that we already took long ago. We don’t need to be here, hunting. The worst part of this all? The fact that we wished someone would come, and then they did, like it was meant to be…
These dark times were brought on by Mark first. He was the one who thumbed at his gun at night, asking for action. Well, he got it, and I think I may have accidentally made him pay the ultimate price for his thirst for blood.
Video after the jump.
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